Youth wing of the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom.
SI unit of electric charge.
Class of 4-6-2 locomotives.
Non-profit Organization at Islamabad.
Examples for "youth club"
Examples for "youth club"
1I used to go to the youth club every day after school.
2My house used to be a real open house, like a youth club.
3Ah promised Ah'd get her a top for the youth club the night.
4I was in the youth club and that's what we had to do.
5The 33-year-old now lives in Nottingham where his dad runs a youth club.
1You are still our caring & loving PM, said Vanessa YC on Facebook.
2Importantly, YC-1 binding occurs in the N-terminal two-thirds of the protein.
3Immunohistochemistry showed that endogenous MR and NF-YC were colocalized within the mouse kidney.
4The present study investigated the influence of YC-1 on inflammatory responses following experimental stroke.
5As YC's second-ever president, Altman spent five years expanding the program's reach and scale.
6Our previous studies demonstrated that YC-1 inhibited breast cancer cell proliferation under normoxic conditions.
7Thus, YC-1 is a promising target drug for breast cancer.
8However, YC-1 exerted no obvious effect on body weight.
9Conclusion: This study describes physical functioning and mental health among young people visiting a YC.
10YC's Summer 2012 demo day was packed to the rafters with press, entrepreneurs, and investors.
11Transient transfection experiments in COS-7 cells demonstrated that NF-YC repressed MR transactivation in a hormone-sensitive manner.
12Altman spent five years expanding the program's reach and scale, YC said in a blog post Friday.
13THE sailors of Royal Cork YC showed their skills in heavy airs on Dublin Bay this weekend.
14On Saturday, the 1996 Carlsberg Royal Alfred YC season for ten keelboat classes concluded on Dublin bay.
15He was YC's second-ever president, and will move on to spending more time working on artificial intelligence efforts.
16TWO European champions will compete in tomorrow's national dinghy match racing championship at the Royal St George YC.